Compare the differences between modules and manufacturers.

Modeling and manufacturing, like developed countries such as the United States, Canada and Australia. .. However, in Vietnam, what is the concept of module? What is a manufacturer? It looks strange. The 5S structures of buildings can be distinguished in detail through the following articles.

Both modular buildings and manufacturers make the prospect of the house through design. Choose your family preferences, needs and financial conditions, or modular houses or manufacturers. Generally speaking, both of these buildings have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Modularity and basic characteristics of manufacturers
What is a module? This is a house in which accessories are produced and installed according to predefined building methods.

What is a manufacturer? The manufacturer also makes it in the factory, but it is all installed and transported to the house location.

Modules can customize the size, layout and spatial layout of functional parts in the home. Self-assembled by customers, samples can only be selected from suppliers, and the size cannot be changed or the structure of the house can not be affected. Manufacturers usually have large wheels or support frames for transportation and unloading in engineering.

The building mode of the module is the same as the traditional old feudal mode, and the enclosure system will be set up, with the perfect part as the wall, wall, roof, portal and so on. .. The design of parts is based on drawings and complies with the quality specifications at the time of production. All the producers produce and assemble in the factory and transport them to the project site. We call them “migrants”. You can put it on the land you own or rent, because it is easy to move and flow.

Advantages of modules and manufacturers
Modular home

Compared with the old mud house, the cost and construction time are lower.

Strong texture, durable, suitable for the weather, reusable and modified.

Like other houses, modular homes are also valuable to be linked with real estate without lowering the price.


Usually much more expensive than the manufacturer.

The function is different from that of the old packager and other assemblers.


Usually cheaper than modular houses, other types of tooling steel frames and old houses.

It is unaffected by the weather and external factors, just like the buildings of public schools. Therefore, time passes quickly, depending on the design, it can be produced as quickly as possible in a few days.

It can be easily moved to other places.

Building construction does not need to spend a lot of time and energy.


It can’t be monitored during installation to ensure the structure of the house.

Can be valuable over time.

Not sure how to be a module and legacy blocker.


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